Historical Tour of the Application of Tax Sanctions from 1821 to 2021


  • Lorena León Universidad de Panamá. Facultad de Derecho y Ciencias Políticas.


Penalties, Panamá, Taxpayers, Taxes, History


A tax penalty is a fine that the legislator imposes on whoever being subject to a tax obligation, he evades or fails to comply with it. In other words, the different tax obligations in which a person may be obliged to pay are defaulted. This research deals with the topic: "Historical journey of the application of tax sanctions in Panama during the period 1821-2021". Its main objective is to analyze the application of tax sanctions in Panama during the mentioned period. In addition, the specific objectives of this research are to study the causes and consequences of tax sanctions during Gran Colombia’s government, to know the beginning of tax sanctions in Panama in force since the promulgation of its first Constitution in 1904 and to differentiate the administrative and fiscal penal sanctions in Panama from 1970. Tax penalties have always been the subject of great controversy by part of the taxpayer and the state, that’ s why the purpose of this research is to carry out an exhaustive study of the evolution of sanctions in tax matters, whether administrative or criminal. The analysis was made by internet documents, data collection and interpretation of information that allow to deepen on this topic. The research is documentary, descriptive and exploratory. The population under study has been analyzed by internet documents hosted in Google Scholar and Laws enacted in Panama. The data collection instrument is the documentary observation guide where questions developed with the review of the sources of information. Subsequently, the researchers will interpret the revised information, apply the technique of triangulation of data and new positions regarding the subject under investigation.


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How to Cite

León, L. (2022). Historical Tour of the Application of Tax Sanctions from 1821 to 2021. Finanzas Y Negocios, 2(1), 24–42. Retrieved from