Analysis of the evolution of the suitability of the Certified Public Accountant in the Republic of Panama.


  • Yoselyn Lizardo Universidad Especializada Del Contador Público Autorizado. Licenciatura en Contabilidad. Panamá.


Law 57 (1978), Law 280 (2021), Suitability, Accountant ethics, CPA in Panama


This investigation was carried out with the purpose of being able to collect information on the origin or the information that allows knowing where the "Suitability" arose when exercising the profession of Certified Public Accountant in the Republic of Panama. This topic was analyzed from several points, based on the laws that are in force today, such as Law No. 280 of December 30, 2021, as well as the old repealed Law No. 57 of September 1, 1978. The information related to how to obtain the suitability of the CPA (Authorized Public Accountant) was studied, taken from reliable sources such as the MICI (Ministry of Commerce and Industry) and the laws described above. The research in question has as its primary objective to be able to provide the necessary information for people who wish to practice the Profession of Certified Public Accountant to have a clearer context about the importance of having Suitability when practicing this Profession, how to obtain it and generate more literature on professional ethics and due compliance with certain aspects of the first order for due diligence when exercising this profession.


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How to Cite

Lizardo, Y. (2022). Analysis of the evolution of the suitability of the Certified Public Accountant in the Republic of Panama. Finanzas Y Negocios, 2(2), 20–32. Retrieved from