Custody of client information by the certified public accountant under a dependency relationship as established in the IFAC Code of Ethics.


  • Danissa Castillo Universidad Especializada Del Contador Público Autorizado. Licenciatura en Contabilidad. Ciudad de Panamá. Panamá
  • Giovanna Gil Universidad Especializada Del Contador Público Autorizado. Licenciatura en Contabilidad. Ciudad de Panamá. Panamá.
  • Marlenis Rios Universidad Especializada Del Contador Público Autorizado. Licenciatura en Contabilidad. Ciudad de Panamá. Panamá.
  • Dayanna Santamaría Universidad Especializada Del Contador Público Autorizado. Licenciatura en Contabilidad. Ciudad de Panamá. Panamá.


Professional ethics, custody of information, obligations of the accountant, confidentiality of the accountant, protection of information


The purpose of this investigation is to analyze the custody of client file information under the dependency relationship as established in the IFAC Code of Ethics. Being its specific objectives, to study the behavior of the CPA in relation to the custody of a client's information under the dependency relationship as one of the duties of the accounting profession, as well as to identify the obligations of the accountant when taking charge of the protection of the client's information as established in the IFAC code and finally analyze the benefits that the obligations established in the IFAC Code regarding the protection of information bring to the exercise of the profession. To this end, an exploratory, descriptive and explanatory study was carried out with a documentary, non-experimental, cross-sectional design. The results obtained in this project were focused on knowing what are the insurmountable limits that must be imposed on the subject of control and confidentiality of the information provided by the client to the accountant.


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How to Cite

Castillo, D., Gil, G., Rios, M., & Santamaría , D. (2023). Custody of client information by the certified public accountant under a dependency relationship as established in the IFAC Code of Ethics. Finanzas Y Negocios, 2(3), 42–57. Retrieved from